How Exactly Does a Hair Transplant Work?

2Hair transplants are becoming a much more commonplace procedure nowadays for bald or balding men. For the majority of people, the procedure is still too expensive here in the United States, but more and more they are turning to overseas surgeons to help them achieve their goal. The next few paragraphs should make the whole thing a bit clearer by explaining just what a hair transplant is and whether it is a good idea to have it done overseas.

A hair transplant consists of taking hair from one location in the body, which is called the “donor site” and transplanting it to the “recipient site”, which is usually the head. Hair transplanting is minimally invasive, so it is a great choice for restoring hair to the head as well as eyebrows and eyelashes. The operation, whether in the United States or overseas, is usually performed in outpatient centers under localized anesthesia and sometimes mild sedation. The first step the surgeon performs is to harvest a strip of hair, which he or she then hands over to the assisting nurses to clean of fatty tissue to make them viable for transplanting. Doing the best job possible to not leave a scar, the surgeon closes the donor site and begins to place the hair at the recipient site. He or she then punctures the recipient site and inserts the hair follicles, arranging them so they look as natural as possible.

Having the procedure overseas is not a problem, either, since the post-operative care only requires daily bandage changes. Around ten days after the procedure, the transplanted hair will fall out and allow new hair to take its place. The new, transplanted hair will then grow naturally.

Since the procedure is simple, with minimal risk, the only thing that can prevent someone from getting it is the actual pricing. Since health insurance companies will not cover a cosmetic procedure, the patient would have to cover the whole hair transplant cost himself. There is one solution more and more people are choosing: heading overseas to have the hair transplant done. Choosing to have the procedure done overseas can save some people over half of what they would have spent in by having it done in the United States. Countries like Thailand, India, and Argentina are providing the exact same procedure and outpatient care for a whole lot less. More and more, people are opting to have their hair transplants done at one of these countries for the simple reason that they can actually afford it!

To learn more about hair transplant abroad click here.

You might be wondering, how much does it cost? If no, then you may have to follow the link to see some pricing details.
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